What does carenfly.com do?

At carenfly.com, customers can access all kinds of information and options regarding their aesthetic applications, training and sessions. From Botox to mesotherapy, from breast aesthetics to French suspension, from Pilates to Yoga, you can easily find thousands of clinics, doctors and studios and get free quotes from the ones you like. That’s why 4 out of 10 people who perform aesthetic procedures in Turkey and thousands of clinics and studios that want to expand their business prefer Estetiknerede.com.

Get ready to appear at the top of Google search results with the unique Estetiknerede.com algorithm and attract thousands of customers in the city looking for aesthetic applications to your clinic with the information you provide on your business-specific page.

Remember, people like up-to-date information. Don’t forget to update your business page with every update!

Why Should People Use carenfly.com?

• Because it makes the clinical practice preparation process enjoyable
• Because it brings thousands of options to clients instead of going from business to business
• Since free quotes can be received from businesses
• For offering Carenfly.com special campaigns and discounts to clients
• To follow Aesthetics and Beauty fashion closely

Why Should Businesses Become Carenfly.com Business Partners?

• To be a sought-after company, not a company that seeks clients
• In order to match the most accurate clients suitable for the target audience
• To deliver offers to clients effortlessly and quickly.
• To benefit from carenfly.com privileges
• To gain the trust of clients by being under the roof of carenfly.com

Who are we?

We are one of Turkey’s fastest growing digital companies. Today, we offer fast and permanent solutions to the aesthetics and beauty industry with our team of 4 people.
For this reason, approximately 70,000 people use carenfly.com every month. We are the world’s largest website in our field!

How Did We Start?

We started everything from scratch in 2022. From the very beginning, we loved the story we created and being able to touch the happiest moments of our clients.
Our founding partner, Dr.Selami Güngördü, came to Turkey after working in the field of Medical Aesthetics for many years in Denmark and created carenfly.com. The aesthetics and beauty industry has been asking questions about us ever since.

Where Do We Work?

As we grow, our office also grows and we renew our office once a year. But we never leave our detached office. Because we are very fond of ourselves! Can a person do such a pleasant job and work in a plaza?

What do we like?​

Don’t ask if 8 people can have a common taste. It is possible! We are now about to open up to the world. Our office is so beautiful that we bring our friends to the office to show off and host them in our employee-only cafe.

How Do We Work?

We work with love and for love.

Who is the carenfly.com Team?

We write the book of Aesthetics and Beauty, but not all of us are Doctors. Speaking of which, there are even some doctor friends among us who say “I wish I were a designer”! But we all have the same goal: To provide the best experience for aesthetic clients.

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